Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, often cause discomfort and dental problems as they emerge through the gums. For many people, wisdom teeth grow sideways, emerge only partially, or do not emerge at all, and proper management is required to alleviate symptoms and safeguard against other dental conditions.

At Good Samaritan Medical & Dental, dental professionals offer comprehensive wisdom teeth removal services, promoting oral health and comfort. We understand that the prospect of wisdom teeth extraction can be daunting, and our compassionate team is dedicated to making your experience as smooth as possible. We tailor our approach to your unique needs, offering expert guidance from the initial consultation to the recovery process.



Wisdom Teeth – What are They?

Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars that usually emerge in late adolescence or early adulthood. Typically, there are two wisdom teeth in the upper jaw and two in the lower jaw, positioned at the back of the mouth; however, they may not fully erupt through the gums. Wisdom teeth often cause problems such as overcrowding, infection, and discomfort, largely because many individuals do not have enough room in their mouth for these additional teeth. Many require their wisdom teeth to be removed to avoid these issues and maintain good oral health.


Conditions Associated with Unremoved Wisdom Teeth

If not removed, wisdom teeth can lead to various oral health issues, including:

  • Impaction: Wisdom teeth can become trapped or impacted within the jawbone, causing pain, swelling, and infection.
  • Crowding: The emergence of wisdom teeth can push adjacent teeth out of alignment, leading to crowding and misalignment.
  • Infection: Partially erupted wisdom teeth can create pockets where food particles and bacteria accumulate, resulting in infection and gum disease.
  • Cysts and tumours: Although rare, wisdom teeth can lead to the formation of cysts or tumours, which may require extensive surgical procedures for removal


Do I Need My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Common signs that you may need an extraction include:

  • Pain or discomfort: Persistent pain or discomfort at the back of your mouth, especially when chewing or biting down.
  • Swelling and tenderness: Swollen, tender, or red gums in the back of your mouth can indicate an issue with your wisdom teeth.
  • Difficulty opening your mouth: If you find it challenging to open your mouth fully due to pain or stiffness, it may be a sign of wisdom teeth problems.
  • Chronic headaches: Unexplained, recurrent headaches can sometimes be related to wisdom teeth issues.
  • Jaw stiffness: A feeling of stiffness or tightness in your jaw can be a symptom of wisdom teeth problems.
  • Recurrent infections: Frequent infections or gum disease in the area around your wisdom teeth may indicate the need for removal.

However, it’s important to remember that some individuals need to have their wisdom teeth removed even if they don’t experience painful symptoms. This is to avoid future pain and development of oral conditions.


Preparing for Wisdom Teeth Removal

Before the procedure, our dental team will guide you through essential preparations, which may include the following:

  • Attend all consultations and pre-surgical appointments, including X-ray scans.
  • Discuss anaesthesia options.
  • Plan transportation to and from the surgical site.
  • Fast as required. Stop using specific medications, as recommended by your healthcare team.
  • Schedule time off work.
  • Arrange your home in a way that is appropriate for recovery.
  • Obtain medication and equipment for pain relief and healing.


The Procedure

The patient is administered anaesthesia to ensure they are comfortable and pain-free throughout the procedure. Options include local anaesthesia or general anaesthesia, depending on the complexity and the patient’s preference. Generally, wisdom teeth removal can be conducted in the chair. The surgeon makes precise incisions to remove the wisdom tooth. After removing the tooth, the dentist cleans the empty socket to remove any remaining debris or infection. In some cases, the surgeon may close the incision with dissolvable stitches. A gauze is then placed over the surgical site to help control bleeding. After the procedure, the patient is closely monitored as they awaken from anaesthesia, and post-operative instructions are provided.


The Recovery

Recovery from wisdom teeth removal typically involves the following steps:

  • Rest: Allow your body time to heal, and avoid strenuous activities for a few days.
  • Pain management: Medications will be prescribed to manage any post-operative discomfort effectively. Ice packs may also relieve pain.
  • Soft diet: Stick to soft foods to prevent irritation or damage to the surgical site.
  • Oral hygiene: Follow post-operative care instructions carefully to keep the surgical site clean and minimise the risk of infection.
  • Follow-up appointments: Attend follow-up appointments with our clinic to monitor your healing progress and address any concerns.


The cost of wisdom teeth removal varies depending on factors such as the number of teeth to be extracted, the type of anaesthesia used, and any potential complications. Generally, a full removal costs approximately $2500.

During your initial consultation, our team will provide you with a detailed estimate, and we will work with your insurance provider whenever possible. Additionally, we offer flexible payment options for accessibility.

Your oral health and comfort are our top priorities. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our wisdom teeth removal services. We are here to ensure your smile stays healthy and beautiful.

Wisdom Teeth Removal in Sutherland Shire

At Good Samaritan Medical & Dental, the skilled dental professionals provide personalised care and guide you towards the most suitable treatment option for your needs. To discuss your specific situation and receive tailored care, book an appointment with Good Samaritan Medical & Dental today. Your health is our priority.

When you've got a healthy smile, you're all set!