Dr Mina Fam

Dr Mina Fam
General Practitioner
Education: MBBS, FRACGP, Skin Cancer Cert
Dr. Fam is an enthusiastic Australian trained GP who completed his FRACGP through GP Synergy. He worked as senior surgical resident medical officer in Liverpool Hospital with terms in Plastic Surgery, Neurosurgery, and surgical Aged Care patients. Dr Fam continued in Liverpool and Campbelltown Hospitals as an Orthopaedic Registrar obtaining extensive surgical experience and developing confident decision-making skills, which have been paramount to being a successful GP.
He has completed further training in advanced skin cancer with Health Cert and is a member of the Australasian Skin Cancer College.
Dr. Fam’s special interests are in:
- Skin cancer (Skin Checks, simple and advanced skin cancer surgery)
- Orthopaedics (Arthritis, soft tissue injury and basic fracture management and follow up)
- Sports Medicine
- Chronic and Complex Health Problems
- Paediatrics
- Work Cover
Dr. Mina Fam is passionate about his patient’s health and will work hard for the patient to get a diagnosis and give a clear management plan.